Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Seed Surprises
2020 The Year Of Storms
Spring 2020 was rolling along very nicely with warm days becoming hot by June that had us all saying we haven't had such nice weather in years! As with all things in this stupid year that was all about to change! June and July are usually quite stormy here with some of the most expensive hail damage in the country, I am always on alert for hail storms and is why I grow so many things in pots, they can be moved undercover. In mid June we had a surprise storm pop up, I believe the folks at Environment Canada dropped the ball as well our local news, for some reason no one saw this storm develop, they say it just popped up and then it was too late. This was terrible timing for hail, so early in the year, just as everything is getting some growth going, I lost my vegetable garden (twice) but I did not lose my windows or car or any of the other damage that affected areas further North of me. It would turn out that we would suffer around 7 or so more hail storms of varying intensity. By the time we got to July I was well trained in hauling all the plants into the garage, the house, under the roof and getting the bed sheets out, all the time cursing at the top of my lungs, sorry neighbours! It has taken me almost until now to get over it, one time I said "I wish it was winter!!!" the stress of these storms was making me insane but I'm nice now, believe me!
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Spring 2020, Gardening in a Pandemic!
So, Pandemic hey? Who saw that coming? Actually many experts warned us for many years, who knew all that international travel would lead to something like this? Just several Science Fiction movies, the modern version of Planet of the Apes comes to mind or the big budget film Contagion parallels our current situation quite well except in that movie the US President went into hiding and in the real world we should be so lucky!!! Anyway enough of all that, what to do when everything is closed and the availability of plant material is in question? I decided I was not going to buy anything this year and grow everything from seed myself! I have a fair sized stockpile already and I did order a few seeds online before I declared this, who knew the seeds would take almost 6 weeks to arrive because of the pandemic? I also saved my Mother-in Laws collection of seeds as we cleared out the farmhouse for a move to town last summer. Some of these seeds were from the 90's, some collected from a neighbour in envelopes, some from only 7 or so years ago. Most of these have grown including Scarlet Runner Beans, Lupine (which I scratched with sandpaper and soaked overnight before planting) and some loose poppy seeds at the bottom of the paper bag they were all in! There will be some surprises!